
Spraying and hand sanitizer
Hand sanitizer will be located at all entrances and exits, and we are spraying and wiping down all contact surfaces throughout the day.
Keep a safe distance
You will experience a reduced capacity in the theatre and plenty of space between the seats. The friendly staff at ZeBU will guide you to your seats. If the weather permits it we might ask you to enjoy the outdoor area until the shows is about to start. To avoid dense queues the audience will be guided in continuously rather than all at once.
Audience groups
Children with their school will be placed in their usual contact-groups. Families will be placed together with two meters distance to the rest of the audience.
Stay at home if you are showing symptoms
If you, or someone close to you, is feeling sick before the performance, we kindly ask you to stay at home. We will rebook tickets to our best ability and you can always contact our box office with any questions at +45 71 99 88 77.