Community theatre
ZeBU’s newest civic scene format Who’s the fool? is created in connection with the performance Fools’ Paradise which played at ZeBU in November 2023. In collaboration with the production company Amfora Film, the theater education department together with 83 students from Amager have explored the fool, both the fool they recognize from films and literature, and the fool that may dwell within themselves. Because who is really the fool in our time?
The project has, among other things, resulted in a brave video work in collaboration with an 8th grade from the School in Amagerbro. Watch it here.
Cast | Students in 8th grade from the School in Amagerbro |
Concept and idea | Anne Nymark, Nanna Bøndergaard Butters |
Video Production | Amfora Film |
Videographer | Marie Munkner |
Sound designer and composer | Jérôme Baur |
Amager Vest Lokaludvalg |
Amager Øst Lokaludvalg |
ZeBU’s civic scene from 2022 consists of two art documentary video works, both produced in collaboration with the production company Amfora Film. Mental health among young people is declining, and more and more young people experience anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, stress and pressure to perform. Figures from the Danish Health Authority’s health profile (2021) show that 34% of young women between the ages of 16-24 and 21% of men of the same age have poor mental health. We have explored these worrying trends together with young people from the target audience as a citizen response to ZeBU’s youth show Max up!
Experience the art documentary short film The Fable of the Three Ants, which gives space to the voices of young people, who talk about what is difficult in everyday life and affects their mental health and well-being both inside and outside the school systems. Three different ants – The Lonely, The Insecure and The Perfectionist Ant – tell about their own experiences with different forms of unhappiness, all the while competing against each other and fighting for their survival in the hive.
Cast | Jonathan Schmidt Møller, Sille Schnoor Nielsen, Celine Højbjerg Jacobsen |
Concept and idea | Anne Nymark, Nanna Bøndergaard Butters |
Video Production | Amfora Film |
Videographer | Andreas Merrald |
Experience the art documentary short film where 40 brave young people from the 9th grade at Højdevangens Skole share their personal experiences with how pressure to perform, stress, anxiety, thoughts, trouble sleeping, nervousness, and the idea of not striking is a part of their everyday life both inside and outside the school systems.
Theater is, in its basic essence, an ephemeral material that lives in the here and now. When a performance has had its playing period, it is put on the shelf, and we must immediately move on with a new production. But in our new civic stage format, we investigate how artistic waves can arise in the wake of a theater performance, so that completely new stage formats with reminiscences of the original performance emerge from a performance’s scenic universe, layers of fiction and themes – formats that invite people, we don’t usually see and vote, we don’t usually hear, onto the stage – and let their perspectives, reflections and personal stories fill us.
Amager Vest Lokaludvalg |
Amager Øst Lokaludvalg |
Louis Hansen-Fonden |
Sportsgoodsfonden |
In 2019, ZeBU launched the children’s and young citizens’ scene with the performance Ama’r, which was a statistical and representative sample of Amager’s youth, delving into statistics, stories and prejudices about the district. Five young actors put their own and other people’s prejudices into play with historical and contemporary accounts of the district and staged documentary narratives that started the debate with the local audience.
At ZeBU, we believe that everyone has a story worth telling. We have therefore developed a concept for a civic stage, where children and young people get the opportunity to step onto the stage themselves and show a slice of their world. The stories and perspectives of ordinary people are staged in a professional performing arts setting. Reality is dramatized in post-dramatic documentary theater forms that balance between fiction and reality.
The civic stage works for a democratization of the performing arts with a vision of promoting diversity in representation, stories and experiences – both behind and in front. The artistic team chooses working methods, themes and collaborates with the actors on the development of performances. The actors are not acting in the usual sense. They are on stage as experts in their own history and the theme that the performance deals with. With the format, ZeBU wants to combine being a theater in Amager with local stories told by and with the young audience.