International theatre festival for the whole family
Springfestival will make a strong return in the summer 2023 and fill Musiktorvet to the brim with striking, surprising and thought-provoking performances from a string of Danish and foreign theatres.
The festival program can be found at www.springfestival.nu and from May 1st, it will be possible to buy festival wristbands for the weekend’s programme.
From 0-99 years
Københavns Kommune |
Statens Kunstfond |
Axel Muusfeldts Fond |
Augustinus Fonden |
William Demant Fonden |
Amager Øst Lokaludvalg |
Amager Vest Lokaludvalg |
Toyota Fonden |
Oda og Hans Svenningsens Fond |
Dansk Skuespillerforbund |
Nordea Fonden |
Wilhelm Hansen Fonden |
Sportsgoodsfonden |
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond |
Beckett Fonden |